Denim Pinwheel Quilt: Winter, Happy



2014, machine pieced and quilted, railroad denim fabric line by Robert Kaufman

I saw this quilt, almost exactly as you see it here, on Purl Soho's site and asked for the kit to make it for Christmas. I have never purchased a kit before, but I adored every fabric in the Robert Kaufman Denim Railroad line, and the touch of them in person does not disappoint. Some of them of stiff, others quite soft, and together, they make distinct motion. The computer even has a hard time translating all the activity going on between these pinwheels all lined up.  

I finished the quilt top in the wintriest months of 2013-2014, culminating in the quilting and binding, which I did over the week of "Snowpocolypse" in Atlanta--when officials called off work and school days just late enough that we were already at work, snow fell and no one had salted the roads yet, and then hundreds of thousands of us all headed for home at the same time. It look me almost ten hours to get the twenty-odd miles back home. The rest of the week, I stayed home and read, backed, went on snowy walks through the city streets, and finished this sofa quilt. It works so well in our living room.

The primary change I made from the kit was that I used red thread to quilt the straight lines, creating a nice contrast. You can see it in the crosshatch detail on the back, below.