On my work: Translating liberal arts skills to a resume, working in college career services Education, EssaysJessica McCraryApril 4, 2014career, employment, inspiration, kennesaw state university, liberal arts, work
Adventures in an undergrad history thesis, or, four months with Young John Allen China, Essays, HistoryJessica McCraryDecember 10, 2009China, kennesaw state university, Methodist Church, Young J- Allen
Fighting for a country in which you have no rights... Community, Essays, History, Public HistoryJessica McCraryNovember 12, 2009exhibit opening, kennesaw state university, Tuskegee Airmen
Museum studies and the Tuskegee Airmen Community, Essays, History, Public HistoryJessica McCraryAugust 30, 2009kennesaw state university, Public History, Tuskegee Airmen